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Miscellaneous comments on migrating CMP etc datasets to RSRD.

These comments are generic, and can easily apply to other game modes and other datasets, and are just what I've found to be useful, I'm offering them here to help those that wish to do similar, and in no way imply that you should be doing this. Standard disclaimer - you break it yourself, you fix it yourself. These comments are just to try and help you avoid some of the pitfalls others have discovered.

First off, nearly all of these comments apply to the SRD just as easily as RSRD, take your preference, but stick to it, changing your mind half way through just confuses the issue.

Apologies for the formatting, this probably needs tidying up... much of it was just notes I'd made as I manually updated some files, and possibly prettylst now does a healthy chunk of the below.

I found that removing all SOURCESHORT:Blah and SOURCELONG:Blah (with various typo's of 'Blah'!) from data lines, and just have two such entries at the top of each file, makes editing the files easier. Obviously leave the SOURCEPAGE entries in place.

If there's a duplicate (or similar) 'thing' (Race/Class/Spell etc) in the RSRD, seriously consider altering your new entry to be a .COPY or .MOD of the RSRD 'thing'. You get the benefit of various data set fixes and improvements ([R]SRD datasets are actively maintained for PCGen, so take advantage of other people finding and fixing issues and typos) along with the improvements brought about by many things being moved to 'abilities' and other improvements.

Errors for SA:.CLEAR can be fixed (manually) by noting that its often granting an SA(B) at one level, and then replacing it with a better SA(B) at another, so remove the .CLEAR entry completely, and suffix the initial SA(B) with |PRELEVEL:MAX=xx where xx is one less than the level that had the CLEAR (and gives the new replacement) Perhaps use PRECLASSLEVEL and specify the current class...

EQMODs - check out \data\d20ogl\srd35\basics\rsrd_equipmods_base.lst and rsrd_equipmods_enhancing.lst to verify what the current set is. Generally work on the basis that things like 'WEAP_PLUS_1' get changed to 'PLUS1W' (possibly 'PLUS1M' [for Martial?] now) [[ Further Notes on CMP to RSRD Migration]]