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(Further CMP to RSRD conversion suggestions)
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Revision as of 23:16, 24 February 2012

This really is just a cut and paste from a scratch file I used whilst converting data Some of this (most?) is possibly done by PrettyLst (I wasnt using the right options initially!)

Several of these commands are search and replace regex expressions for VIM (my editor of choice), the concept should be clear though as to the intent, and updating to your editor of choice. I copy the line from the scratch file, and in vim, press ':' to enter command mode, and then just paste and hit return.

replace % with %% in descriptions


spells file changed all to .mod other than specific few (20 odd non-srd spells) note - we only really want the descriptions, not the mechanics..


feats file changed all to .mod note - we only really want the descriptions, not the mechanics.. ExtraTurning - CHOOSE: nochoice Typo???!!! Type=ExtraTurnig.STACK ??? - updated to match pcgen srd original CHOOSE:Exotic :- CHOOSE:PROFICIENCY|WEAPON|UNIQUE|TYPE=Exotic CHOOSE:Blah|1 := CHOOSE:Blah PRELEVEL:x := PRELEVEL:MIN=x PREVARLT:CL=Shaaryan Hunter,6  := PRECLASSLEVELMAX:1,Shaaryan Hunter=5 PREVARGTEQ:CL=Shaaryan Hunter,6  := PRECLASS:1,Shaaryan Hunter=6


feats_hidden file ADD:FEAT(blah)|x :- ADD:FEAT|x|blah SPELL:Blah|x|Innate := SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=x|Blah SPELLS:Innate|CASTERLEVEL=max(classlevel("Mage"),1)|Blah CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=x| := CHOOSE:x|

TODO Favoured Enemy / Favoured Bonus - all disabled, seems style is quite different



skills file changed all to .mod note - we only really want the descriptions, not the mechanics.. PREMOVE:Blah := PREMOVE:1,Blah CHOOSE:Language(Spoken) :- CHOOSE:LANGUAGE|Spoken



updates to dieties file Tag Name: PREALIGN:x,x Variables Used (x):LG,LN,LE,NG,TN,NE,CG,CN,CE,Deity (Alignment abbreviation). Variables Used (x):0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 (Alignment array number). LG,LN,LE,NG,TN,NE,CG,CN,CE, Deity

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 


PREVARxx| becomes PREVARxx:Var,Value


  1. note - need BOTH of the following, first one splits, second one cleans

%s/HITDICE:[0-9]*,/HD:,&HITDICE:\tHITDIE:/ %s/,HITDICE://g

                       or just remove it completely... %s/HITDICE:[0-9]*,[0-9]*//g

>>>No Longer using HITDICE, please remove and just use MONSTERCLASS


SPELL: becomes SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=x|CASTERLEVEL=x|SpellName1,DC|SpellName2,DC


Typically replace 'Heavy blah' with 'blah (Heavy)' etc.


NOTE D:\utils\PCGen\PCGen5164\data\d20ogl\srd35\basics\rsrd_equipmods_enhancing.lst NOTE D:\utils\PCGen\PCGen5164\data\d20ogl\srd35\basics\rsrd_equipmods_base.lst




FRCS/ue_feats.lst - Ice Troll Berserker should modify the rage special ability for natural armor...