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Latest revision as of 08:08, 3 August 2013

Board Members Present:

  • Chair 2nd & Admin SB - Andrew M.
  • Code SB - James D.
  • PR SB - Paul N.

Not Present:

  • Content SB - Barak
  • Arch SB - Tom P.


  • Battlefield Press - Jon

Raw Log

  • [15:04] <@[Chair]Drew> *Bangs Gavel* Welcome to the Board of Directors Meeting for August the 2nd, 1500hours (Pacific Time in USA)
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> August 3rd, 0800 for our Aussie friends :)
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Our Agenda today:
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Team Reports
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Outstanding Issues
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Roadmap Updates?
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> Open Business
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> I'll start us off with the Admin - Web Report
  • [15:07] <@[Chair]Drew> The new website is looking awesome, no hiccups thus far. Jamie and Anestis have done a fine job and the Social media tools are working nicely.
  • [15:07] <@[Chair]Drew> Anestis has been working on Forum Support, we may just have to drop the Mailing List requirements and get a good quality forum for the time being.
  • [15:07] <@[Chair]Drew> That's the only main item on the Web Team plate at this time.
  • [15:08] <@[Chair]Drew> Tracker Team - JIRA was updated by James. The layout is a bit different, but otherwise, you can change it back to what you are used too.
  • [15:09] <@[Chair]Drew> Trackers are flying out left and right. We've had a whole slew of new reports.
  • [15:10] <@[Chair]Drew> Release - Still in a holding pattern for 6.0's next release pending Code Fixes from Stefan for the Dragon Rework. Next Alpha is up to James. We've had a bunch of Data Work and some Code changes.
  • [15:10] <@[Chair]Drew> Questions so far?
  • [15:11] <[PR]Nylanfs> I wonder if we drop the mailing list option if we instead go with a smartphone app plug-in if that would help?
  • [15:11] <[PR]Nylanfs> for the forums?
  • [15:12] <@[Chair]Drew> Don't know, that would be something to consider.
  • [15:13] <@[Chair]Drew> On to the Content Team
  • [15:13] <James[Code_SB]> Really the main gate to 6.0 is the three pathfinder books isn't it?
  • [15:13] <@[Chair]Drew> Yes
  • [15:13] <@[Chair]Drew> ARG, B3 and UE
  • [15:13] <James[Code_SB]> yeah
  • [15:13] <James[Code_SB]> and if we have those would we hold off for the dragon issue?
  • [15:14] <@[Chair]Drew> B3 has dragons, I was hoping to only code up 5 dragons, not 60 variants. Hence why I'm pushing Stefan for some fixes.
  • [15:15] <James[Code_SB]> new code features rather than fixes presumably
  • [15:15] <@[Chair]Drew> Actually, fixes, something isn't firing on my end, and I need a code monkey to find out why. Stefan said he'd look into it.
  • [15:15] <James[Code_SB]> ok
  • [15:16] <@[Chair]Drew> I'll toss up the dragons to the 5 and we'll be waiting for a fix... (Side Note: Stefan is vacationing, so who knows when he'll get to it).
  • [15:17] <James[Code_SB]> I assume the issue is in jira?
  • [15:17] <@[Chair]Drew> I've opened a few trackers, yes.
  • [15:18] <@[Chair]Drew> Data - Working my way through the books. Reviews are slow due to several recent issues... the new issue is how to handle duplicates... with each book added the list grows longer.
  • [15:19] <[PR]Nylanfs> It should be in the book that it was first introduced in, and other books MOD those
  • [15:20] <James[Code_SB]> Assuming that you are lading those books - which is nto always the case
  • [15:20] <@[Chair]Drew> One book passed and has been added 'Blood of Fiends'
  • [15:20] <@[Chair]Drew> @Nylanfs - James is correct. The issue is the original books aren't always being loaded
  • [15:21] <@[Chair]Drew> and we don't have a method to selective load based upon books.
  • [15:21] <[PR]Nylanfs> Ahh, I see
  • [15:22] <@[Chair]Drew> Basically the end user is forced to use the Use most recent items for dupes, but that can mask errors too.
  • [15:22] <[PR]Nylanfs> The only way to avoid that is to switch to some kind of database data structure wouldn't it?
  • [15:23] * @[Chair]Drew looks at James
  • [15:23] * @[Chair]Drew shrugs
  • [15:23] <@[Chair]Drew> OS - We had a reversal of code changes so the OS sheets need to be redone using the new countdistinct.
  • [15:25] <James[Code_SB]> @Nylanfs I'm not sure a database structure would in itself help here - I requirement needs to be worked out first and then we can look at how to achieve it
  • [15:25] <@[Chair]Drew> Docs - I've been asked about updating our LST Docs. LST Class seems to be getting several members and the stuff on there is outdated.
  • [15:27] <@[Chair]Drew> Oh, and lest I forget - Data Bugs - We've had a LOT of reports and I've been knocking those out as fast as I can. Having a QA monkey would certainly help though...
  • [15:27] <@[Chair]Drew> Unless we have questions, let's have Nylanfs do PR team. :)
  • [15:29] <[PR]Nylanfs> K PR report
  • [15:30] <[PR]Nylanfs> Since 05/28, the last bod meeting PR was able to attend and report on, there have been several sources cleared.
  • [15:30] <[PR]Nylanfs> Paizo's Skulls & Shackles AP, Advanced Race Guide, Faiths of Corruption & Faiths of balance.
  • [15:30] <[PR]Nylanfs> Dreamscarred Press's Psionic books (several)
  • [15:30] <[PR]Nylanfs> Mongoose's Quint Samurai
  • [15:31] <[PR]Nylanfs> I think there's what 5 Dreamscarred books
  • [15:32] <[PR]Nylanfs> New items have been reported to FB & Twitter via the website, although I'm noticing some trends there that I'll bring up later.
  • [15:32] <[PR]Nylanfs> We're nominated for an Ennie so I hope everyone voted :)
  • [15:33] * @[Chair]Drew Raised hand
  • [15:33] <@[Chair]Drew> Yup
  • [15:33] <[PR]Nylanfs> Bryan and I will be down at GenCon (Me friday - sun, Brian just Sat I think)
  • [15:34] <[PR]Nylanfs> There's a couple of publishers that I have attempted to contact, but haven't gotten a response from, I'll try and ping them and/or hunt them down at GenCon.
  • [15:35] <@[Chair]Drew> Paul on the PCGen Publisher Prowl (PotPPP)
  • [15:35] <[PR]Nylanfs> I need to get with David about all the locations that he was putting press releases and try and get that documented for the wiki.
  • [15:36] <[PR]Nylanfs> And BEST of all, my system is back up and I'm not relying on my phone to due PCGen stuff.
  • [15:37] <[PR]Nylanfs> I think that's about it for PR
  • [15:37] <[PR]Nylanfs> Any questions concerns?
  • [15:37] <James[Code_SB]> None here
  • [15:37] <@[Chair]Drew> Awesome job Paul :)
  • [15:37] <@[Chair]Drew> And glad to hear things are better.
  • [15:38] <@[Chair]Drew> Up next James representing Code and Arch.
  • [15:38] <[PR]Nylanfs> Oh and as of the last count we have 219 sourcebooks from 48 publishers in the last prod release
  • [15:39] <[PR]Nylanfs> Err wrong line 260 sources 51 publishers
  • [15:39] <James[Code_SB]> Code report:
  • [15:40] <James[Code_SB]> IN the last fortnight stats are: Feature requests: 5 created and 5 resolved, Bugs: 10 created and 7 resolved, New Tags: 3 created and 1 resolved
  • [15:44] <James[Code_SB]> We've had a new code monkey join the team, Skylar Hiebert , and another couple who are starting out too
  • [15:44] <James[Code_SB]> We should be ready for a new alpha shortly
  • [15:44] <James[Code_SB]> Any questions?
  • [15:45] <@[Chair]Drew> None here.
  • [15:45] <@[Chair]Drew> Onto next agenda item: Outstanding Issues
  • [15:46] <@[Chair]Drew> We pretty much covered this, but a recap - B3, ARG and UE are gating 6.0's next release
  • [15:46] <@[Chair]Drew> B3 is being gated by a couple of code bugs
  • [15:46] <@[Chair]Drew> Anything in Code outstanding James?
  • [15:47] <James[Code_SB]> I'm not aware of the B3 gating issues, so please send those to me
  • [15:48] <@[Chair]Drew> Will do.
  • [15:48] <@[Chair]Drew> Next Item - Roadmap Updates?
  • [15:48] <@[Chair]Drew> I've had a few people ask about this, so just tossing it up there. Do we have anything we want to update for the road map?
  • [15:50] <[PR]Nylanfs> Roadmap really only goes up to 6.0 everything after is blank.
  • [15:50] <James[Code_SB]> Yes that's true - I'll do a quick update to add the high level items from the code side
  • [15:51] <James[Code_SB]> I'm actually starting to think we would be better doing a 6.2 release sooner rather than continue backporting
  • [15:51] <James[Code_SB]> there aren't any drastic changes for 6.2, it is mostly incremental
  • [15:52] <@[Chair]Drew> Agreed
  • [15:53] <@[Chair]Drew> It's becoming tiresome to back port fixes.
  • [15:55] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay, Open Business
  • [15:56] <@[Chair]Drew> Anyone have any business to bring before the Board of Directors? (Open Forum)
  • [15:57] <[PR]Nylanfs> Anyone have any word on how DarkDragonLord is doing with the Fantasy Craft work he's been doing?
  • [15:59] <@[Chair]Drew> From what I've seen, they've been flying through bugs pretty fast over on their JIRA
  • [16:00] <[PR]Nylanfs> Yea, I've been watching those also.
  • [16:01] <@[Chair]Drew> I can shoot him an email and ask if you'd like.
  • [16:01] <[PR]Nylanfs> Also I REALLY like the idea of offering publishers their own section of our JIRA to track bug issues with their datasets
  • [16:02] <[PR]Nylanfs> That might bring in other publishers that have been on the fence of not having more control
  • [16:03] <[PR]Nylanfs> Mostly I was just curious as to when he thought it would be close to something that could be released for public.
  • [16:03] <[PR]Nylanfs> Not a hard date, but just curious :)
  • [16:04] <@[Chair]Drew> Never thought of it in that light. If you think that would help, I'm not opposed to the idea. This was specifically for their play test run.
  • [16:04] <@[Chair]Drew> Alright, I'll ask him, see what he says.
  • [16:04] <@[Chair]Drew> Any other business?
  • [16:07] <@[Chair]Drew> *Bangs Gavel* Thanks for coming everyone. Meeting is now closed.