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Revision as of 22:28, 30 August 2013


  • Andrew [Chair/Admin SB/Data 2nd]
  • Tom [Arch SB]
  • James [Code SB]


  • Jami

Raw Log

  • [14:57] <@[Chair]Drew> *bangs Gavel* Welcome to our non-quorum Board of Directors meeting, it's Friday, 1500 hours Pacific time (California).
  • [14:57] <@[Chair]Drew> Our agenda today is:
  • [14:57] <@[Chair]Drew> 1) Team Reports
  • [14:58] <@[Chair]Drew> 2) Roadmap for to Beta
  • [14:58] <@[Chair]Drew> 3) Open Business
  • [14:58] <@[Chair]Drew> Let's start with Tom (As I'm betting not much to report currently ;) )
  • [14:59] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Yea, not much here, busy on the personal front til probably mid-October
  • [14:59] <[Arch_SB]thpr> then planning for some return to normalcy
  • [15:00] <@[Chair]Drew> So, plenty of code commits galore! End of October. Excellent :)
  • [15:01] <@[Chair]Drew> Let's See for Admin - Not much to report since last meeting. Website is working, still looking for a Forum. Tweaked the JIRA workflows to include some more information for the Data Bug Reports.
  • [15:01] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Yep, that's my report for now
  • [15:02] <@[Chair]Drew> Content - Docs we have a new tag to include courtesy of Stefan (OUTPUTSHEET miscinfo gamemode tag)
  • [15:03] <@[Chair]Drew> Data - B3 is getting Kits by Mynex, I'm cleaning up a few loose ends in the set, but it's almost ready for release. A couple of books are up for Beta Review.
  • [15:03] <@[Chair]Drew> DDL contacted me and says things are going well. They have plans to have the main playtest finished for the core rulebook in a few weeks.
  • [15:04] <@[Chair]Drew> OS - Vincent has fixed a few outstanding issues, otherwise not much moving over there.
  • [15:04] <[Arch_SB]thpr> What's B3?
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Bestiary 3 - Pathfinder
  • [15:05] <[Arch_SB]thpr> k ty
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Paul sent a PR report in his stead...
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> PR Report
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Sources Cleared for data review
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Paizo's Goblins of Golarion
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> MM2 OGC
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Drew> Publishers contacted
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> Frog God Games (owns Necromancer games)
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> They are okay with us making the datasets, I am currently nailing down
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> the exact permissions.
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> Either way they don't want review. The two Tome of Horror sets in NFD
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> can be looked at and released. I'll take a look at the OGL stuff by sat
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> and either advance or make the trackers for them.
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Drew> That covers the areas I'm reporting. Any questions? (James you're up next)
  • [15:07] <@[Chair]Drew> (Oh, and I've released another video, this one on Class creation)
  • [15:08] <James[Code_SB]> No questions from me
  • [15:08] <[Arch_SB]thpr> no ? here either
  • [15:09] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay James, you're up.
  • [15:09] <James[Code_SB]> Code stats since last meeting:
  • [15:09] <James[Code_SB]> Feature requests: 13 created and 4 resolved,
  • [15:09] <James[Code_SB]> Bugs: 19 created and 15 resolved and
  • [15:09] <James[Code_SB]> New Tags: 3 created and 3 resolved
  • [15:09] <James[Code_SB]> Kim Winz has joined the code team with his first patch - welcome Kim!
  • [15:09] <James[Code_SB]> I've finally moved all choosers to the new structure, and have moved on to designing the new equipment customizer, which will be structured much like one of the tabs.
  • [15:09] <[Arch_SB]thpr> cool, the choosers are done :)
  • [15:10] <James[Code_SB]> I've also been helping Billy Brown get started - he has an interest in the customizer also, so I'll be involving him in the rewrite.
  • [15:10] <James[Code_SB]> @Tom yes its a great to finally have that one done
  • [15:10] <James[Code_SB]> My focus for now will be primarily on my list for 6.2 now, plus helping new code monkeys come up to speed with the system, rather than other people's requests.
  • [15:11] *** Jami has joined #pcgen
  • [15:11] <James[Code_SB]> Oh and I'll be raising and implementing a new tag for kits to set an exact purchase price - this is needed for the UE and Pathfinder Society Field Guide sets
  • [15:11] <James[Code_SB]> Any questions?
  • [15:11] <@[Chair]Drew> What is on your 6.2 list?
  • [15:11] <James[Code_SB]> Things to be done before 6.2 are complete the removal of old UI code, put in converter from PREAPPLY to TEMPBONUS
  • [15:12] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I didn't put in a converter?
  • [15:12] <James[Code_SB]> Those are the essentials, but we'll se what else can be done
  • [15:12] <James[Code_SB]> Nope
  • [15:12] <[Arch_SB]thpr> oops :/
  • [15:12] <James[Code_SB]> Not that I could see
  • [15:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> let's take that offline, I'll go look at what I did do
  • [15:13] <James[Code_SB]> Cool
  • [15:13] <James[Code_SB]> Oh and I have to remove the deprecated tags that Eric identified
  • [15:13] <@[Chair]Drew> So, what's the timeframe before we go beta cycle then?
  • [15:14] <James[Code_SB]> Not fixed at this stage - lets get those sorted and then talk dates
  • [15:14] <@[Chair]Drew> ok
  • [15:15] <James[Code_SB]> but as discussed last meeting we are rapidly approaching a year since 6.0 and I'd like to be around the annual release mark at least
  • [15:15] <@[Chair]Drew> Sounds good.
  • [15:15] <@[Chair]Drew> I think that covered Roadmap
  • [15:16] <@[Chair]Drew> Any open business before we wrap up?
  • [15:17] <James[Code_SB]> What's the procedure for submitting UE for review - do we just change the status, or email Andrew?
  • [15:17] <@[Chair]Drew> You move it to License Review
  • [15:17] <James[Code_SB]> Cool
  • [15:17] <@[Chair]Drew> Paul will review it, and then he pushes it to Data and I review it
  • [15:19] <@[Chair]Drew> Anyone else?
  • [15:20] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay, my son is letting me know my time is up :P *Bangs gavel* Thanks for coming everyone.