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(Meeting Notes and Summary)
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Latest revision as of 23:50, 28 February 2014

Board Members:

  • Chair - Andrew
  • Arch - Tom
  • Code - James

Summary: Reports given, 6.2 discovered to have a bug with the last RC2. Code team will assess the bug and decide whether to address the issue. Plan for Final 6.2.1 release is March 5th, 2014. Tom discussed several projects involving the 6.3 cycle in progress, including some plans to reduce/eliminate cloning. James mentioned he's been doing GMGen work and has stuff to commit soon. During open forum a user asked about new features for GMGen. James will open JIRA tickets and look into that.

Raw Log:

  • [15:02] <@[Chair]Andrew> We ready to begin?
  • [15:03] <Tom[Arch_SB]> I am
  • [15:03] <@[Chair]Andrew> *Bangs Gavel* Welcome all to our PCGen Board of Directors Meeting.
  • [15:04] <@[Chair]Andrew> Our Agenda has the following:
  • [15:04] <@[Chair]Andrew> Team Reports
  • [15:04] <@[Chair]Andrew> 6.2 Readiness
  • [15:04] <@[Chair]Andrew> Open Agenda
  • [15:04] <@[Chair]Andrew> Open Forum (For Public)
  • [15:04] <@[Chair]Andrew> Let's begin with Team Reports.
  • [15:05] <@[Chair]Andrew> Admin has had a quiet front. Monitoring lists but otherwise no active projects at this time.
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Andrew> Data - Before the 6.2 RC2 we fielded several bug fixes. I have one bug I pushed into code for priority review as it's causing Archmage break in the final release.
  • [15:06] <@[Chair]Andrew> OS - Minor new item included courtesy of a user.
  • [15:07] * @[Chair]Andrew wishes he spent more time figuring out the jira report mechanic to be cool like James :P
  • [15:08] <@[Chair]Andrew> Okay, that's the reports for Admin and Content. I haven't heard from PR. However, Nitehawk sent me a new book for inclusion into pcgen - Tome of Terrors for his Outcastia campaign setting.
  • [15:08] <@[Chair]Andrew> Questions?
  • [15:08] <@[Chair]Andrew> (James you're up next)
  • [15:09] <James[Code_SB]> Maybe tom next - juggling a few things here
  • [15:09] <Tom[Arch_SB]> I can go
  • [15:09] <@[Chair]Andrew> Okay, Tom you're up.
  • [15:10] <Tom[Arch_SB]> I posted a set of notes onto the Wiki of the things I'm working from an Architecture perspective.
  • [15:10] <Tom[Arch_SB]> It's available here: http://wiki.pcgen.org/Current_Architecture_Projects
  • [15:10] <Tom[Arch_SB]> The intent will be to keep that periodically updated
  • [15:10] <Tom[Arch_SB]> comments and questions welcomed
  • [15:10] <Tom[Arch_SB]> For the main things I'm working for 6.3:
  • [15:11] <Tom[Arch_SB]> - Ability Cloning. Working a few items to get them cleaned up, and reduce the number of places Abilities can be pulled from PlayerCharacter
  • [15:11] <Tom[Arch_SB]> There were some items on _experimental a bit over a week ago on that. I just haven't gotten to cleaning those up yet to make more progress
  • [15:12] <Tom[Arch_SB]> On conditional skills:
  • [15:12] <Tom[Arch_SB]> Have a proof of concept for doing skills in a "forward" fashion like other things
  • [15:13] <Tom[Arch_SB]> It has a few issues so can't be checked in. One is that Quasvin's PsiCrystal is challenging, in that it has skills but no class
  • [15:13] <Tom[Arch_SB]> So I'll need to do a bit more development to get that to work
  • [15:13] <James[Code_SB]> Good to see the test characters being useful
  • [15:14] <Tom[Arch_SB]> yes. For once it's not Bob that is breaking me :D
  • [15:14] <James[Code_SB]> :)
  • [15:14] <@[Chair]Andrew> PsiCrystal doesn't have class?
  • [15:14] <Tom[Arch_SB]> The other challenge is that I haven't made it work properly for conditional skills
  • [15:14] <Tom[Arch_SB]> no, it's classless
  • [15:14] <@[Chair]Andrew> I'll have to look at that, everything should have a class.
  • [15:15] <@[Chair]Andrew> or are you talking about the master cloned skills?
  • [15:15] <Tom[Arch_SB]> No, related to skills that are not exclusive and USEUNTRAINED:NO
  • [15:15] <Tom[Arch_SB]> err
  • [15:15] <Tom[Arch_SB]> USEUNTRAINED:YES
  • [15:15] <Tom[Arch_SB]> The work has led me to a few thoughts on how to design things around campaigns and I just made a post to _dev on that in the last hour
  • [15:17] <Tom[Arch_SB]> Haven't worked on the other items for 6.3 since my last report
  • [15:17] <Tom[Arch_SB]> any questions?
  • [15:18] <James[Code_SB]> Sounds good
  • [15:18] <@[Chair]Andrew> Looks good.
  • [15:18] <@[Chair]Andrew> James?
  • [15:18] <James[Code_SB]> I'll respond on dev today
  • [15:18] <James[Code_SB]> ok, code report
  • [15:18] <James[Code_SB]> Feature requests: 2 requested and 2 resolved
  • [15:18] <James[Code_SB]> New tags: 0 created and 0 resolved
  • [15:18] <James[Code_SB]> Bug fixes: 10 reported and 7 resolved
  • [15:19] <James[Code_SB]> So we are mostly keeping up. I haven;t looked at the report for archmage yet and was not anticipating including any fix in 6.2.1
  • [15:20] <Tom[Arch_SB]> I'm trying to reproduce it with debug on right now
  • [15:20] <Tom[Arch_SB]> haven't managed to get it to "catch" though
  • [15:20] <James[Code_SB]> I've also done a first pass in the new GMGen plugin loading system which should be added in soon. I'm in the process of testing it and adding unit tests now
  • [15:21] <@[Chair]Andrew> I would like a fix, as it's a choose breaking which means other uncaught chooses may be in the same boat.
  • [15:21] <James[Code_SB]> Thanks Tom, it did sound as though it would be difficult to trace
  • [15:21] <Tom[Arch_SB]> let's figure out what it is before we declare what we will fix
  • [15:21] <James[Code_SB]> Andrew, we'll make an assessment once we know the issue
  • [15:21] <@[Chair]Andrew> Fair enough.
  • [15:23] <James[Code_SB]> ok, that's all for me - any questions
  • [15:23] <Tom[Arch_SB]> not from me
  • [15:24] <@[Chair]Andrew> none here
  • [15:24] <@[Chair]Andrew> That takes us into 6.2 readiness.
  • [15:25] <@[Chair]Andrew> Which we covered with the choose bug issue assessment
  • [15:25] <@[Chair]Andrew> Moving on to open agenda, anything we need to add to the discussion?
  • [15:26] <James[Code_SB]> Just back to 6.2.1
  • [15:26] <@[Chair]Andrew> Okay, floor is yours. :)
  • [15:26] <James[Code_SB]> RC2 is out and pending any critical issues reported and the aforementioned bug I;d hope that is the version we make into final
  • [15:27] <James[Code_SB]> Plan is for a release Wed 5 Mar
  • [15:27] <@[Chair]Andrew> Agreed
  • [15:27] <James[Code_SB]> ok, done
  • [15:29] <@[Chair]Andrew> Any other items to bring up for agenda?
  • [15:29] <James[Code_SB]> None from me
  • [15:30] <@[Chair]Andrew> Open Forum than, any spectators wish to bring up anything before the board?
  • [15:30] <tesric> I began to use PCgen a few days ago, so my question might be dumb: does the combat manager automatically apply a spell's effect to the designated targets? In other words, does the spell automatically turn on a condition on the target? Sorry for my bad English.
  • [15:30] <@[Chair]Andrew> James I'll let you handle that as you handle GMGen
  • [15:30] <James[Code_SB]> Hi Tesric
  • [15:31] <James[Code_SB]> I'd have to check to be certain, but I would expect it wouldn't
  • [15:31] <tesric> Hello everybody and thank you for the great tool
  • [15:31] <tesric> My question stems from my past use of DM Genie, which can do that.
  • [15:32] <James[Code_SB]> Cool, and I take it it would be quite useful to to you?
  • [15:33] <tesric> It would. When you have many targets, having all the relevant conditions automatically triggered is very time saving.
  • [15:34] <James[Code_SB]> I'll have a look into it and raise a request then. If you want to track how it is going and add to the discussion just join our jira and 'watch' the issue
  • [15:35] <tesric> Thank you very much
  • [15:37] <tesric> Of course, a prerequiste is that GMgen can access all the spells memorized by the spell casters during an encounter.....
  • [15:37] <James[Code_SB]> Is that not happening?
  • [15:39] <tesric> I seem to remember that you can specify that a spellcaster is casting a spell: afterwards, a spell window pops up, but you have to specify the spell's details. I beg your pardon if I'm wrong...
  • [15:40] <@[Chair]Andrew> Join jira.pcgen.org
  • [15:40] <James[Code_SB]> It is quite possible - GMGen was a separate product later merged into PCGen and sometimes that heritage shows
  • [15:40] <tesric> OK. thank you again.
  • [15:41] <@[Chair]Andrew> Anyone else?
  • [15:41] <Swiftbrook> On the data front, what Pathfinder projects are in the works (forefront)? (If this is posted someplace, what's the link?)
  • [15:41] <@[Chair]Andrew> I'd point to our jira.pcgen.org look at Newsource project
  • [15:41] <@[Chair]Andrew> anything with an "active monkey" is supposedly being worked on.
  • [15:42] <Swiftbrook> Thanks. I thought it was there someplace :-)
  • [15:42] <@[Chair]Andrew> I don't have any PF projects on my plate.
  • [15:43] <@[Chair]Andrew> Okay, looks like that's it for the open forum. Thanks for coming everyone. *Bangs Gavel*
  • [15:44] <James[Code_SB]> Thanks Andrew
  • [15:44] <@[Chair]Andrew> Meeting dismissed. :)