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Latest revision as of 14:10, 2 July 2016

PCGen Board of Director's Meeting


  • Andrew M. - Chair/Content SB
  • Connor P. - Code SB
  • Tom P. - Arch SB
  • Stefan R. - OS 2nd
  • David B. - Observer


  • 6.06.01 Delayed pending bug fixes
  • Tom & Connor working on Stat Input to get Formula System work from Content rolling
  • Tom has Lookup Table code working on his build
  • Tom will investigate the Spell Override system and see what remains to fix to get that working
  • Stefan has PR for 6.06 inclusion to handle OS.STAT export which is broken for Ioun Stones (Understands temp patch till new system in place)

Raw Log

  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Welcome everyone to the PCGen Board of Director's open meeting. It is July 2nd, 2016 at 6am (PST).
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Our agenda for today:
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> 1) 6.06.01 Release Schedule
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> 2) Roadmap for 7.00 (What are the plans?)
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> 3) Open Forum
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> I'll start with #1
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> I have delayed the release of RC4 due to a few last minute bug reports (Forum, Email and JIRA), along with the Code PR inclusion for Stefan to address a serious inconsistency regarding Stat Block display (Equipment based Bonuses, vs. Ability based Bonuses).
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> After I do release RC4, I intend to follow it up with 6.06.01 a few days after.
  • *** Tom[Arch_SB] has joined #pcgen
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Hi Tom!
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> hi
  • <@Zaister> hey
  • <[Code]cpmeister> Hi Tom!
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Stefan proposed a temp change till we get the new formula system in place.
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> I will wait for that to shake out before doing the next release of 6.06. Questions, comments on that?
  • <PapaDRB> Sounds good
  • <@Zaister> Unfortunately it includes a hardcoded ability type but since this is to be deprecated anyway I don't think it's too bad
  • <@Zaister> Unless it was possible to determine what kind of object granted a given ability
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> I don't think that is easily doable right now
  • <@Zaister> yeah I thought so
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> The parent linkage thing is kind of known across a few use cases, but can really get nasty
  • <@Zaister> So I guess the best way to reliably see if an ability comes from equipment is to use a TYPE
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> That is currently hardcoded on the ability itself?
  • <@Zaister> Not yet, I have a PR for that open thugh
  • <@Zaister> this is for the STAT.x.NOEQUIP output token
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> ok, I can catch up with you on the details separately
  • <@Zaister> sure
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> make sure I understand the usage so we can ensure we don't have to jump through hoops in formuls system et al
  • <@Zaister> in the long run I undersatnd the token is going away anyway
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Moving on to Agenda item #2 - 2) Roadmap for 7.00 (What are the plans?)
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> I was concerned with Tom being absent we'd have to shift priorities around. With Tom being present, that does not look like the case :) However, do we have a time line for the projects people have committed to completing for the 7.00 development cycle?
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> (As a reminder, Tom was working on a broad category of JEP replacement Formula System; Connor was working on upgrading the project to Java 8 and redoing the UI to JavaFX from Java Swing)
  • <@Zaister> I'd still like it if Tom could take a look at my SpellLoader replacement a nd the problem of spells that cannot be overwrittten
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> There is enough interaction to other teams in what I'm doing that there isn't a specific timeline
  • <[Code]cpmeister> My focus is on getting the stats input token operational before I begin work on the new UI.
  • <@Zaister> I agree that should have priority
  • <[Code]cpmeister> so no real timeline here either until priority items are dealt with
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> @Zaister I had looked at it a bit - one root cause of the issue being a change that went in a year or so ago that broke things. So we need to figure out if we just go forward to something new, or try to go back and then figure it out from there
  • <@Zaister> Tom: the weird thing is that I replaced the special SpellLoader with the GenericLoader, and the problem still persists
  • <@Zaister> My impression is, though, that the GenericLoader should easily be able to take over
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> For the content team - our role is to make the conversions to data and OS as soon as proper support is put into place. For the Documentation, Li-Aung Yip has proposed to revamping how we do documentation with an easier automated mark-up system. Looks very promising.
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Regarding the Spells @Tom and @Stefan - Would the proposed Grant system you and I discussed resolve the ,MOD issue or is there other considerations? (In either case, probably best to discuss specifics on the _dev list)
  • <@Zaister> My problem has nothing to do with MODs
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> I think it's just we're in a mix of systems right now. The old system for spells had one set of assumptions
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> The new system has another
  • <@Zaister> it is when the spell object is intended to be replaced with another object with the same kay
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> Right now I think we're still reading from the old, but dependent on the new for proper replacement
  • <@Zaister> I don't think the Grant system has any influence on that
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> At this point, based on the age of the change that caused issues (actually much more than a year), we should just cut over to new
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> it's a pretty wide reaching change, just needs to be done compeltely
  • <@Zaister> Tom: what is the "new" you are talking about?
  • <@Zaister> by the way I'm pretty sure I have seen overriden spells working not so long ago
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> "new" uses the reference manufacturers
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> Spells being read for the most part are read from Globals
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> because in the "old" days two spells could have the same key
  • <@Zaister> so the GenericLoader would nean "new", right?
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> as long as they were different types (arcane, divine)
  • <@Zaister> *mean
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> not just genericloader
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> need to read from the load context as well not Globals.*
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> but yes, genericloader is part of that
  • <@Zaister> yes, that is what I did in my branch
  • <@Zaister> removed the global SpellMap
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> ok, I'll look
  • <@Zaister> that seems to work nicely, but does not fix the override problem
  • <@Zaister> branch is here: https://github.com/Zaister/pcgen/tree/Project/Remove_SpellLoader
  • <@Zaister> It's possible, though, that I missed something somehwere
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> ok
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> So other things for 7.0...
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> You're waiting on stat values moving to local, right Andrew? - that's the big gate?
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Correct Tom.
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> We get stats working and ties ins to the Local scopes, I can get the majority of the sets converted at that point.
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> ok
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> that covers I'd say 90-95% of the items blocked. Lookup table tackles the Load score, but that is a MINOR issue to me.
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> yea, that's also fairly easy. Already have working code there
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> just not in the system
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> (meaning the lookup tables)
  • *** PapaDRB has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> I can begin merging in the changes for stats, skills, and saves once Stats are connected properly. Then info conversions reliant on such stat inputs.
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> Right, so Connor - stat input token. Do you know status on that?
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> I'm not sure if the prototype we set up led to new considerations
  • <[Code]cpmeister> yea, my thoughts as well.
  • <Tom[Arch_SB]> ok, we'll catch up on that offline then
  • <[Code]cpmeister> agreed
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Cool, looking forward to that resolution.
  • <@Zaister> indeed
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> I guess that moves us into Agenda #3 - Open forum - Public input welcome. Anyone have any business they wish to bring up before the Board?
  • *** PapaDRB has joined #pcgen
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Welcome back PapaDRB, just entered open forum item.
  • <PapaDRB> Thanks... Campground wifi is overloaded and dropped me (again and again).
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> We've had a few people interested in improving our CI - Jenkins process. Javier has set up the process so we can build consistently from the website. Though we do need something installed on our server to get that fully functional.
  • <@[Chair]Andrew> Okay, looks like that is everything. Thanks for coming everybody. Meeting adjourned. *Bangs gavel*