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Latest revision as of 14:36, 1 October 2016


  • Andrew Maitland [Chair & Content]
  • Paul Grosse [PR]
  • Connor Petty [Code]
  • Tom Parker [Arch]
  • John Carimando [UI Designer/Consultant]
  • Javier Bultron [Observer]


  • Connor expects UI to take six months.
  • Tom expects initial work for Formula parser integration to be completed within a week, and several other items to be included over the next few months as determined by Content issues.
  • PCGen 7.0 Roadmap anticipating a release of production around June or July dictated by obstacles and UI / Code work.
  • Discussed upcoming Conventions
  • Javier's networking and server presented.

Raw Log

  • 6:05 AM <@AndrewAAM> Welcome to the PCGen Board of Director's meeting, October 1st, 2016
  • 6:05 AM <@AndrewAAM> Our agenda for today is:
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 1) Status report from Code Team: UI Progress and Java 8 integration
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 2) Status report from Arch Team: Formula Parser system integration and
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> next steps
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 3) Status report from Content Team: Formula System conversion and
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> upcoming books
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 4) Status report from Public Relations Team: Any upcoming events
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 5) Status report from Admin
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 6) Roadmap Discussion: Are we on track.
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 7) Planned 6.8 releases
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 8) Javier online Server petition
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 9) John's UI redesign
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> 10) Open Forum
  • 6:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> Connor would you like to Start?
  • 6:07 AM <cpmeister> sure
  • 6:08 AM <cpmeister> Since we got past the largest hurdle of switching to Java 8 I have thus begun work on the new UI with JavaFX
  • 6:09 AM <cpmeister> It is still in the early stages though so not much has been done yet besides beginning on the UI utilities framework
  • 6:10 AM <cpmeister> So most of the real UI work has yet to be done, but progress is getting made
  • 6:11 AM <cpmeister> And with John Carimando coming back with surprisingly good timing I think things will turn out quite nicely :)
  • 6:12 AM <tornotlukin> (worrd)
  • 6:13 AM <cpmeister> That's all from me unless there are questions?
  • 6:13 AM <@AndrewAAM> any rough eta for the JavaFX framework?
  • 6:14 AM *** constant has joined #pcgen
  • 6:15 AM *** [OGL]Nylanfs_ has joined #pcgen
  • 6:15 AM <@AndrewAAM> And did you see the GMGen inquiry?
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  • 6:15 AM <cpmeister> I can't really give an ETA on it, but it would take a least 6 months
  • 6:16 AM <cpmeister> realistically speaking
  • 6:16 AM <@AndrewAAM> Cool, just gives us a rought time frame to work with. That puts us April/May easily.
  • 6:18 AM <@AndrewAAM> The GMGen inquiry is a jira code bug... you can look at that later.
  • 6:18 AM <cpmeister> Ah, yes looking at the GMGen inquiry now. I'll see if I make a patch for it
  • 6:18 AM <@AndrewAAM> Thanks. Tom - You're up.
  • 6:19 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> ok
  • 6:20 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> formula System had a slight hitch in September - the base assumption of the UI is a stat is an integer, the formula system only thinks in the form of "Number" (not specifically integer), so it delayed a bit the connection to have stats available and usable
  • 6:20 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> I think we're settled there, I need to form a merge-able version of what is currently PR 1711
  • 6:20 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> Then that should be usable
  • 6:21 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> Beyond that, there is a bunch of conversion enablement to do, mainly busywork rather than big challenges
  • 6:22 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> There is one larger challenge however in some dynamic behavior that may require some deep design changes in the formula solving system (what is currently AggressiveSolverManager)
  • 6:23 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> So that impacts things like dropIntoContext() and getFact()
  • 6:24 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> So right now those are "on hold" until that larger issue is resolved
  • 6:24 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> Any questions?
  • 6:24 AM <@AndrewAAM> rough ETA to address those outstanding issues?
  • 6:25 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> The PR update should be quick. Think less than a week, I just need to catch up on sleep first :)
  • 6:26 AM *** constant has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
  • 6:26 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> The others, I will likely introduce certain forms of getFact() (e.g. one argument version) since there are various ways that can be used that don't have the challenges
  • 6:26 AM <@AndrewAAM> and that deeper design issue, longer or part of the same PR update?
  • 6:26 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> much longer
  • 6:26 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> dropIntoContext is really the problem (and the form of getFact that effectively implies a dropIntoContext)
  • 6:26 AM *** constant has joined #pcgen
  • 6:27 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> It needs some experimentation first, so I will likely be doing a bunch of other things in parallel while I work out the best way to do it
  • 6:27 AM <@AndrewAAM> okay, I guess the main question I have, when can Content earnestly begin conversion?
  • 6:27 AM <@AndrewAAM> That our week time frame?
  • 6:28 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> That gives you the ability to pull stats, and then we can start having discussions of what else holds you up
  • 6:28 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> So I think we learn a lot more in the short term. Not sure it opens the flood gates, because the data is fairly complicated
  • 6:28 AM <@AndrewAAM> ageed.
  • 6:30 AM <@AndrewAAM> Well, for content: Formula Conversion is gated upon Arch's completion timeline. New Book, Occult Adventures is pending License review, and then it'll be ready.
  • 6:30 AM <@AndrewAAM> Paul, you ready for PR report?
  • 6:31 AM *** constant has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
  • 6:31 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> Not quite
  • 6:31 AM *** constant has joined #pcgen
  • 6:32 AM <@AndrewAAM> Okay, we can give you a few minutes... I have nothing from the Admin team.
  • 6:32 AM <@AndrewAAM> Item #6, I'll redraft the roadmap to complete in June 2017
  • 6:33 AM <@AndrewAAM> I think we can remove the LST Editor from that, since we don't have anyone on that project.
  • 6:36 AM <@AndrewAAM> 6.8/7.0 releases... Paul requested a final "Stable 6.7" release of the current data before we begin earnest conversion. I'll aim that for next weekend. The rest of the releases will follow milestone changes.
  • 6:36 AM <@AndrewAAM> With pcgen 7.00.00 being slated at completion of June/July 2017.
  • 6:37 AM <@AndrewAAM> Questions, comments or concerns about the Roadmap or release schedule?
  • 6:37 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> There have been a couple of people asking about the lst editor and making data in the program
  • 6:37 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> Also im ready for my section
  • 6:37 AM <@AndrewAAM> That would be tied into the UI, which would be Connor's call...
  • 6:38 AM <@AndrewAAM> Connor, did you want to include the LST Editor? James did have some code completed for it.
  • 6:39 AM <cpmeister> I don't want include the LST Editor as part of the 7.00.00, the new UI is enough already
  • 6:39 AM <@AndrewAAM> Fair enough... Paul looks like 2018 is the earliest for the editor. And you're up. :)
  • 6:39 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> I'm not sure we should set any expectation for date
  • 6:40 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> It will actually depend heavily on how fast we get data converted over, which depends on the formula system...
  • 6:40 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> The reduced set of function will actually make it much easier to write...
  • 6:40 AM <@AndrewAAM> Dates are estimated, and fluid.
  • 6:41 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> Okay, Gen Con was a decent sucess i think. Got a good bit of interest, some coders were going to look us up (unsure if any did though )
  • 6:42 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> Handed out almost all of the 1200 flyers and from donations and tshirts we gained about 180 which i put into the paypal fund
  • 6:44 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> I need to get a list of shirts sizes we have left and do a funding drive $30 for a shirt or something, shipping is about 8 to 10 in us
  • 6:45 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> There is a convention that i will be going to in Fort wayne, in called PentaCon in nov and that is the only convention coming up that im aware of. If any one knows of some that we should get flyers to let me know
  • 6:46 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> I think that is it for me, any questions?
  • 6:46 AM <@AndrewAAM> DunDraCon in San Ramon, CA at the Marriott
  • 6:46 AM <@AndrewAAM> President's Weedend in Feb 2017
  • 6:47 AM <@AndrewAAM> Awesome report. Okay, Javier doesn't appear to be present...
  • 6:47 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> Who is going, i van get and send some flyers to them
  • 6:47 AM <@AndrewAAM> He wanted me to post a link to his Server Petition -
  • 6:47 AM <@AndrewAAM> http://wiki.pcgen.org/Enhanced_Networking_Features
  • 6:48 AM <@AndrewAAM> That would normally be me... Send me a copy of the flyer pdf, and I'll ask the coordinator to post them.
  • 6:48 AM <@AndrewAAM> Any comments about Javier's networking project and server?
  • 6:49 AM <@AndrewAAM> (He was looking for a buy in from the Board)
  • 6:49 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> I haven't had time to review it
  • 6:50 AM <@AndrewAAM> Connor?
  • 6:50 AM <@AndrewAAM> He hangs out on hipchat, so when folks have a chance, give him some feedback.
  • 6:51 AM <[OGL]Nylanfs_> It didn't add any overhead to the project so I didn't see any problems with it
  • 6:51 AM <cpmeister> I haven't reviewed it yet either
  • 6:51 AM <tornotlukin> it would be fun if it intergrates somehow with video chat programs
  • 6:52 AM <@AndrewAAM> Well, hipchat, I know all of you are on it now... muwa ha ha ha....
  • 6:52 AM <@AndrewAAM> Okay John, #9 is all you. and your UI Redesign.
  • 6:52 AM <tornotlukin> Thanks!
  • 6:53 AM <tornotlukin> Also, thank you all for including me again
  • 6:53 AM <tornotlukin> So with Paul's help I sent out a questionnaire
  • 6:54 AM <tornotlukin> to get a feel of what users wanted, and this was specifically for me to figure out how to
  • 6:54 AM <tornotlukin> approch the design of the UI
  • 6:54 AM <tornotlukin> so far 95 users responded
  • 6:55 AM <@AndrewAAM> Wow! O.O
  • 6:55 AM <tornotlukin> i think we can get more
  • 6:55 AM <tornotlukin> just a little outreach, if we have a email list
  • 6:55 AM <tornotlukin> I would ask to bast out the link
  • 6:55 AM <tornotlukin> blast out...
  • 6:56 AM <tornotlukin> So from it so far, it looks like people are ready for a change in UI
  • 6:57 AM <tornotlukin> My idea was to make sections that, depending how they are filled out, would open new sections
  • 6:57 AM <tornotlukin> that pertain to the data
  • 6:58 AM <tornotlukin> so if you make a wizard, spells section would slide out
  • 6:58 AM <tornotlukin> stuff like that
  • 6:58 AM <tornotlukin> I will be designing during Connor's javafx framework building
  • 6:59 AM <tornotlukin> so there is no wasted time
  • 6:59 AM <@AndrewAAM> I know I'm for data driven UI. Only stuff that can/should be available is at any given time.
  • 6:59 AM <tornotlukin> absolutlely
  • 7:00 AM <tornotlukin> I also want to make each section super specific
  • 7:01 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> I think we probably should have a UI architecture discussion
  • 7:01 AM <tornotlukin> yes, sounds great
  • 7:01 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> So we end up making some conscious modularity tradeoffs
  • 7:01 AM <cpmeister> indeed
  • 7:01 AM <tornotlukin> I will be speaking with Connor at 1pm EST
  • 7:01 AM <@AndrewAAM> Will the redesign include overhauling the basic/advanced loader? There has been a call to include checkbox options to select rules pertaining to particular books when loaded.
  • 7:01 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> There are things I've been hoping to do strategically, but haven't pushed since my "core work" isn't done
  • 7:02 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> but if we're in a redesign anyway, I don't want to miss opportunities, but don't want to muck it up to much either
  • 7:02 AM <Tom[Arch_SB]> Andrew: Probably not since the loader really isn't the UI
  • 7:02 AM <tornotlukin> In my survey, i had an entry"Would you like to see optional rules switches in character building controls?"
  • 7:02 AM <tornotlukin> it was an 98% yes
  • 7:03 AM <tornotlukin> I think this talks to your select rules for particular books
  • 7:04 AM <@AndrewAAM> Well, I think that answers the question. Okay, it's after 7pm locally. Unless there is other comments, or discussions, I think this is a good ending point, and we can crash the UI discussion in a few hours. ;)
  • 7:04 AM <tornotlukin> I was thinking about it, and I think the book loading would be the first section in the character building list
  • 7:05 AM <tornotlukin> totally, I would like to do a voice or vid chat, easier for me to talk than to type
  • 7:05 AM <tornotlukin> Thank you all for listening/reading
  • 7:05 AM <@AndrewAAM> Hipchat might do video/audio, or skype... we can discuss options over on hipchat... or here...
  • 7:05 AM *** JvyDreamer has joined #pcgen
  • 7:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> Oh, there is Javier
  • 7:06 AM <JvyDreamer> I guess I'm late?
  • 7:06 AM <@AndrewAAM> We are just about to close the meeting.
  • 7:06 AM *** [OGL]Nylanfs_ has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
  • 7:07 AM <@AndrewAAM> Thanks everyone for making it. Meeting is adjourned. *Bangs gavel*