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Latest revision as of 14:09, 17 June 2017


  • Chair - Gwen
  • Arch - Tom
  • Content - Andrew
  • PR - Paul
  • Data 2nd - Doug
  • Observer - Papa_DRB


  • Content tackled a lot of issues for the 6.07.02
  • Release of 6.07.02 had a couple of issues. Team working to patch and do a follow up release of 6.07.03 within the next two weeks
  • Tom is working on resolving the outstanding issues in implementing the formula parser replacement before the end of the year
  • Paul is looking to get us pre-release access for Starfinder
  • Stefan & Andrew will start the server migration this weekend

Raw Log:

  • 6:06 AM [Content]Andrew: Agenda:
  • 6:06 AM [Content]Andrew: 1) Team Reports (25 minutes)
  • 6:06 AM [Content]Andrew: 2) Release Status (5 minutes)
  • 6:06 AM [Content]Andrew: 3) Progress on Roadmap for 7.0 [Formula System, JavaFX UI change, In-Built Editor] (25 minutes)
  • 6:06 AM [Content]Andrew: 4) Open Discussion (5 minutes)
  • 6:06 AM [Content]Andrew: Paul - Did you want to start off the team report?
  • Tom[Arch_SB] has joined #pcgen
  • 6:07 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: Hi, sorry I'm late
  • 6:08 AM [Content]Andrew: Morning Tom, just starting
  • 6:09 AM [Content]Andrew: Okay, Paul might not be present yet...
  • 6:09 AM [Content]Andrew: Team Report from Content:
  • 6:10 AM [Content]Andrew: For the release of 6.07.02 we resolved 89 issues for the Data Side
  • 6:10 AM [Content]Andrew: Nothing for Docs
  • 6:11 AM [Content]Andrew: (apologies, I'm apparently logged in as the codacy butler on jira, so it's going slower...)
  • 6:12 AM [Content]Andrew: Two issues resolved for OS
  • 6:12 AM [Content]Andrew: and 3 new sources released!
  • 6:13 AM [Content]Andrew: 6.07.02 was released finally, with a lot of bug fixing in the release processes, but we've discovered another hiccup - the pcgen.exe wasn't getting populated. Javier and Eitan were working on correcting those issues.
  • 6:14 AM [Content]Andrew: Once we get that resolved I'll put out a fast release of 6.07.03.
  • 6:14 AM [Content]Andrew: That's Content's /Admin's report - Any questions?
  • 6:15 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: not from me. Nice to still see lots of new stuff :)
  • 6:16 AM [Content]Andrew: Thanks, Paul are you available for your report?
  • 6:17 AM [Content]Andrew: Okay, looks like no Paul still. Tom, I know you're report probably be much, but looks like you're up. Agenda item team report, and perhaps segway into 3) Progress on Roadmap for 7.0 [Formula System, JavaFX UI change, In-Built Editor] (25 minutes)
  • 6:18 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: ok
  • 6:18 AM [Content]Andrew: (Andrew apparently needs to wake up and spell correctly. :P )
  • 6:19 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: So it's been a bit since I've been able to look at code... so not a lot of detail from me today
  • 6:20 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: I think I have a plan on how to fix one of the formula issues that is in the way of full use (related to indirect updates), but will have to get to implementing to see if I hit a snag
  • 6:20 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: Saw your (Andrew's) comment about Lookup Tables - will have to check why that isn't activated. I had thought that was done
  • 6:21 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: From an overall code perspective, lots of Eitan's cleanup in the new release
  • 6:21 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: I don't think many of those had JIRA issues associated with them, but they are general code cleanup
  • 6:21 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: Oh, one other request for you and Eitan, Andrew
  • 6:21 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: It looks like the formula library has the same issue the main branch did on permissions
  • 6:22 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: I think the last build worked, but some part of the upload failed
  • 6:22 AM [Content]Andrew: Web Server permissions?
  • 6:22 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: So I don't know exactly what magic you did to the main repo, but I think formula needs it too
  • 6:22 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: I think that's what it is
  • 6:22 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: write directory stuff it looked like
  • 6:23 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: Sorry had a short meeting at work
  • 6:23 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: here now
  • 6:23 AM [Content]Andrew: Ah, it's an ongoing issue, I can make it work once... but we're trying to migrate servers, so I haven't focused much on it. @Zaister offered his server.
  • 6:23 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: right
  • 6:23 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: It can wait then
  • 6:24 AM [Content]Andrew: Perhaps we can find an alternative upload until migration happens?
  • 6:24 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: We do need to reconcile all of the updates we lost in backtracking on the formula branch though
  • 6:24 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: Needs a bunch of cherry picking to restore those
  • 6:24 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: For now we are okay, since the main repo works off an older library
  • Evilpixie87 has joined #pcgen
  • 6:24 AM [Content]Andrew: Fair enough.
  • 6:25 AM Evilpixie87: Sorry I'm late.
  • 6:25 AM [Content]Andrew: I have some commitments later today (School and prep house for move), if you're available after the meeting to review and handle issues
  • 6:25 AM [Content]Andrew: or come up with a plan.
  • 6:26 AM [Content]Andrew: Back to the report, Content's burning questions - ETA for the magic to happen?
  • 6:26 AM [Content]Andrew: Are we talking weeks, months, or next year?
  • 6:26 AM [Content]Andrew: (Hi Gwen)
  • 6:27 AM Evilpixie87: (Hi)
  • 6:27 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: I can't hang out today, sorry
  • 6:28 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: As far as time - probably not weeks, shouldn't be next year :/
  • 6:28 AM [Content]Andrew: No worries, shoot me a date you can hang to catch up and hash out issues (Boys miss you on hipchat)... ;)
  • Evilpixie87 is now known as [Chair]Gwen
  • 6:29 AM [Content]Andrew: Okay, last call for @Paul
  • 6:29 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: Yep I'm here
  • 6:29 AM [Content]Andrew: You available to give the PR report now?
  • 6:30 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: Not too much on PR, got those two sources approved and over for release.
  • 6:30 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: Been getting more reports of virus flags and getting them cleared with the various anti-virus programs
  • 6:31 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: most notably Norton and AVG
  • 6:31 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: I think that's about it for the PR side.
  • 6:32 AM [Content]Andrew: Thanks Paul.
  • 6:32 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: Oh I updated the various posts about the 6.07.02 missing the exe file
  • 6:33 AM [Content]Andrew: Thanks, we should have a working fix for that shortly. Both Eitan and Javier have been working with me to get that resolved.
  • 6:34 AM [Content]Andrew: @Gwen - We're good on Items #1, and I covered #3 with Tom. Means we're moving onto #2.
  • 6:34 AM [Chair]Gwen: Release status?
  • 6:34 AM [Content]Andrew: So, recap of the release status
  • 6:34 AM [Content]Andrew: 6.07.02 was released last week
  • 6:35 AM [Content]Andrew: It's been 5? months since our last release, so it was bound to have a problem (I forgot the date and pcgen.exe went missing "CopyToRoot")
  • 6:36 AM [Content]Andrew: Once we fix the CopyToRoot problem encountered, I will do 6.07.03 fast patch release to satisfy the masses.
  • 6:36 AM DistantScholar: But I just sharpened my pitchfork!
  • 6:37 AM [Content]Andrew: Also, I disabled the releasenotes flag as the autobuild was suddenly needing it. (It's a bit of an outdated flag since the release notes are NOT part of the released product, and reside on the websites).
  • 6:37 AM [Content]Andrew: Plus, we have release instructions that are followed, which remind us to do the release notes...
  • 6:38 AM [Content]Andrew: That's it from me regarding the release status. Questions?
  • [Content]Andrew passes talking stick to @gwen
  • 6:38 AM [Chair]Gwen: Any idea how long it might take to fix the CopyToRoot problem?
  • 6:39 AM [Content]Andrew: Need to test it today or tomorrow.
  • 6:39 AM [Chair]Gwen: So a week or two tops??
  • 6:39 AM [Content]Andrew: Already have patches in, just need to merge.
  • 6:39 AM [Content]Andrew: Assuming all goes well, yes.
  • 6:39 AM [Chair]Gwen: Great!
  • 6:40 AM [Chair]Gwen: Then I guess we are on to open discussion. Any one have anything they want to discuss?
  • 6:40 AM PapaDRB_: Nope.....
  • 6:41 AM DistantScholar: Starfinder. I found a thread at Paizo's discussion boards that suggested that character generators could get early access to the rules ...
  • 6:41 AM DistantScholar: Thread URL: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2u6os?Starfinder-When-will-it-be-available-to
  • 6:42 AM [Content]Andrew: Sounds like something @Paul would be suited to chase up.
  • 6:42 AM DistantScholar: Starfinder Compatibility Licence FAQ URL: http://paizo.com/starfinder/compatibility/faq
  • 6:42 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: I know of several publishers that have the pre-release copies now
  • 6:42 AM [Chair]Gwen: If I understand what's being done with Starfinder, it will be mostly Data work as the core rule system is essentially the same.
  • 6:42 AM [Chair]Gwen: Hubby may get a beta copy a month or so before GenCon....
  • 6:43 AM [Chair]Gwen: I'll know more then.
  • 6:43 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: And we won't be able to qualify for the pre-release
  • 6:43 AM [Chair]Gwen: Actually, it may arrive any day now, if it's coming.
  • 6:43 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: as a group
  • 6:43 AM DistantScholar: Are you sure? It might be worth asking.
  • 6:44 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: You must agree to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. You must be an active publisher with products currently available through either Alliance Game Distributors or paizo.com. You must agree to a Non-Disclosure Agreement that prevents you from sharing the information you gain from early access until the public release date.
  • 6:44 AM DistantScholar: In that thread, "The Only Sheet" was asking about things, and I think they're a free character generator that isn't sold through Alliance Game Distributors or paizo.com
  • 6:44 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: We use the Community License, As a group we can't sign NDA's, and we don't publish
  • 6:44 AM [Content]Andrew: We've done NDA's before.
  • 6:45 AM [Content]Andrew: I have done several as has Tir, Barak, etc.
  • 6:45 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: individuals have.
  • 6:45 AM [Content]Andrew: We designate an individual to handle the work, and they don't share until the designated time.
  • 6:45 AM [Chair]Gwen: Also, "publish" is a more fluid word now. Electronic media, such as PCGen are "published" when they are released...
  • 6:45 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: Ie any members that get access can for a group and work on it, but can't include the PCGen project as a whome
  • 6:46 AM [Content]Andrew: Correct.
  • 6:46 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: I wonder if Stefan is doing any translating
  • 6:47 AM DistantScholar: I think it's worth asking Paizo about, even if we think they won't go for it.
  • 6:47 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: TOS+ is a paid for product now
  • 6:47 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: Oh I plan on it :)
  • 6:47 AM [Chair]Gwen: If they were willing to give us limited access, such as race and/or class info, it would be a nice headstart....
  • 6:50 AM [Chair]Gwen: Alright... Anything else anyone wants to discuss real fast??
  • 6:50 AM [Content]Andrew: I'm good.
  • 6:50 AM DistantScholar: OK here.
  • 6:51 AM Tom[Arch_SB]: all set
  • 6:51 AM @Zaister: i'm here
  • 6:51 AM @Zaister: totally forgot
  • 6:51 AM [Content]Andrew: Hey Stefan
  • 6:51 AM [Content]Andrew: Server
  • 6:51 AM @Zaister: I am on the translation team, yes
  • 6:51 AM [Content]Andrew: Early access - sweet
  • 6:51 AM @Zaister: yes yes I've been brutally busy at my job, I haven't forgotten
  • 6:51 AM @Zaister: I've actually translated First Contact
  • 6:52 AM @Zaister: But I also have the rulebook
  • 6:52 AM [Content]Andrew: Excellent...
  • 6:53 AM [Content]Andrew: So, before Anestis yanks the server, any chance to get that migrated this weekend?
  • 6:54 AM @Zaister: Andrew: difficult, certainly not in its entirety but I can get the basics started I guess
  • 6:54 AM [Content]Andrew: I'll be available to assist if necessary.
  • 6:55 AM @Zaister: cool
  • 6:55 AM [Content]Andrew: tomcat will be the only thing beyond my scope
  • 6:55 AM [Content]Andrew: everything else, I'm good for.
  • 6:55 AM [Content]Andrew: Let's discuss in hipchat after meeting to plan?
  • 6:56 AM @Zaister: ok
  • 6:57 AM [Chair]Gwen: Then, unless someone has anything to add....?
  • 6:58 AM [OGL]Nylanfs: None from me
  • 6:58 AM [Chair]Gwen: Then I guess this will conclude our meeting.
  • [Content]Andrew bangs gavel