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(New page: {| align="right" | __TOC__ |} =Introduction= Listing of 6.2-6.4 low-moderate difficulty freqs. As of '''30/05/2007''' these have been added to the 6.2 group in the SF tracker system...)
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Latest revision as of 14:06, 10 September 2008


Listing of 6.2-6.4 low-moderate difficulty freqs.

As of 30/05/2007 these have been added to the 6.2 group in the SF tracker system



846812: add PREGAMEMODE tag There are minor differences to some sources from one gamemode to another and a tag like this would make it easy to have only one file for sources with minor differences.

863757: Selectively load PCC files, LST files and their contents

870097: Need ability for metamagic feats to add spell descriptor

891521: [RSRD] Monstrous PC caps on low ability scores lookup-based

1001527: CHOOSE:SKILLS|x tag expansion The tag CHOOSE:SKILLS|x will produce a list of all skills the PC has ranks in.

1014982: PRE: Jep Formula


1038189: ADDDOMAINS functional from a race file

1038190: Ability to choose from all spells in a source...

1038194: AUTO:EQUIP to get ability to add multiples of the same item

1043412: Need tag for Deity's cleric's alignment (PRIESTALIGN) and associated CLASS tag (PRIEST?)

1043413: Need tag for Deity's (non-priest) follower classes

1061341: [EPIC] Spellcraft DC support Remember base spell level is 10, for calc purposes

1072152: Support for contiguous class progression Once a Monk or Paladin multiclasses to another class, they can't gain another level in Monk or Paladin. Include pref to turn off

1090486: MOVECLONE to accept JEP formulas

1092123: Cannot find a way to Create a Uses/Day item

1102455: Can't do CHOOSE:WEAPONPROF|2|TYPE.Simple,TYPE.Martial

1103186: TEMPLATE:CHOOSE to work in feats

1109562: MULT in Feats file Add NOMAX choice - to replace CHOOSE:NOCHOICE – no restrictions on # of choices a feat can be taken (as long as MULT is set to something other and NO on the choices given)

1118352: allow Skill KEYSTAT to be changed by 3rd party

1173470: BONUS: add DAMAGEDICE to WEAPON or WEAPONPROF A weapon has a base damage of 2d8, and there was a tag of BONUS:WEAPON|DAMAGEDICE|1, then the weapon's base damage would be changed to 3d8.

1218275: User file path Preference Put "C:\MyStuff" in the User slot, and the 'normal' path for PCGen is "C:\PCGen". When looking for data, characters, output sheets, gamemodes (system stuff), PCGen would concatenate C:\PCGen and C:\MyStuff and look in both places.

1220061: Let PRECLASS take the TYPE.xxx tag in feats.lst

1223148: Spell names with commas in stat blocks Invisibility, Greater needs to be reformadded to Greater Invisibility when put into a comma delimited list

1223158: store datasets in a zip archive

1231444: ADD to accept PRExxx

1235730: Natural attacks not handled correctly in combo with weapon When a creature with natural attacks is wielding a manufacturered weapon, the primary natural attacks should become secondary

1250730: PLUSCOST calculations: Add PLUSTOTAL as a COST tag variable What we need are a couple new hardcoded variables we can use in the COST and BONUS:ITEMCOST tags of an EQMOD. PLUS - Returns the current number of pluses applied to the item PLUSCOST Returns the current value of the pluses.

1313675: Enhance ADD:SPELLCASTER tag There is a prestige class that allows the character to add to any spellcasting level that grants Cure Light Wounds

1335592: REMOVE:TEMPLATE tag

1369253: retroactive 1st level skill point calculation

1379603: [KIT] FREE tag IFELIGIBLE enhancement This request is to add a FREE: IFELIGIBLE instance to the tag which would act as FREE:YES but would only grant the feat or skill even if the PC met the PRExxx qualification or other restrictions.

1404392: BONUS:WEAPONPROF tag enhancment I would like RANGEADD and RANGEMULT to be made valid properties which can be adjusted by both BONUS:WEAPONPROF and BONUS:WEAPON

1419680: BONUS:RANGEADD tag enhancement Either allow BONUS:RANGEADD to take something other than the hardcoded PROJECTILE or THROWN or augment BONUS:WEAPONRPROF to take RANGEADD.

1451334: dorje's created without limits... The Expanded Psionics Handbook & the 3.5 SRD say that a Dorje cannot have a manifester(caster) level higher than 3x the power(spell) level.

1460953: Changing point blank range (currently in Game Mode)

1468269: How to get the Spellcasting level Elegant solution to: The wizard may also prepare one additional spell of her highest spell level each day

1480697: Make gamemodes extensible (in data)

1484034: Ability LST DC (Formula) and BONUS|DC|x or BONUS|DC|TYPE=y

1509590: Lock Int bonus Languages to 1st level value

1541817: Allow Captured Information in Spellbooks

1571482: Change FUMBLERANGE from Free-Form text to modifyable value, like CRITRANGE

1576206: Increasing value for BONUSSPELLSTAT Can we get a BONUS:SPELLSTAT and a BONUS:BONUSSPELLSTAT This would add to the number used to determine the bonus spells but not actually change the stat.

1653130: BONUS tag to remove skill points

1673248: PROHIBITSPELL changes Change separator between SUBTOKEN and the arguments to be equals, Allow , as a separator to define OR (in all SUBTOKENS, not just SPELL), Allow | as a separator between multiple SUBTOKEN=argument combinations, Continue to support . as a separator to define AND (except it's not valid in SPELL, since that's illogical), Allow | as a field separator to allow multiple SUBTOKEN=argument combinations in one prohibitor, Continue to support multiple optional PRExxx tags trailing the rest of the tag (Standard PRExxx at the end, as many PRExxx as you want, | deliminated, but once a PRExxx is there, the rest of the tag is only PRExxx tags)

1676985: New GAMERULE LST file type New LST file type to Alter or extend gameMode files (ABILITYCARETORY, STAT, CHECK).

1689172: new tag - PRECASTERLEVEL