Talk:The Ability to Adjust the Cost of an Ability/Feat

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Revision as of 19:12, 10 April 2010 by LegacyKing (talk | contribs) (Replied to Eric)
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[Maredudd] My first thought is that it would be better to modify the existing 'COST' tag than to add another tag that does the same function and more, so given a choice between #1 and $3, I would go with #2.

Second, can you describe the rule mechanic this is meant to support? I'm having trouble seeing how having a MAX and MIN cost for a Feat/Ability works in a game. I could see them costing one values in one situation and a second value ion a second . . . MAX and MIN are something that I can see working on PRExxx or CHOOSE tags . . . at least this early in the morning on a Saturday after staying up too late on Friday that's all I can see . . .

As an example of my confusion, given the following tag:


The default cost is 10 but what would change it to anything else between 5 and 20?

I also reformatted the Tag descriptions to conform to the current doc standard. [/Maredudd]

[Andrew] Hi Eric,

(I corrected a Syntax typo above). Thanks for being the first replier. I appreciate the effort that takes to hit all the proposals.

Agreed, let's do the COST tag. Though I left it open since the coders may have a different perspective upon it.

Yes, I have two rule mechanics where the changing cost is desirable.

Eclipse: The Codex Persona - Just about every single ability can have it's base cost adjusted. The Most dynamic one being 'Immunity' which can range from FREE (Based upon World Laws), to 150+ CP (Cost).

The other mechanic where this is found is the Practical Enchanter "Talent" system. You have Spells that can be purchased for 'virtual gold' but the cost is base 'Spell Level * Caster Level * 2000' for At Will, but then you can through modifiers to adjust the base cost '* 0.7' would be to make a spell only work on your self (Unless the spell already has this limitation built in, like for example 'Shield'.

In these cases, being able to have the USER Adjust the cost would be desirable. Since, I might have a Base Ability Costing 6, I only have 4 points left, and I'm going to buy the Ability at reduced cost.

Anyways, I have two systems both practically in the PCGen program that would benefit from this added functionality. [/Andrew]