OS Sheet Improvement Discussion
Discussion from thread http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen/message/107383 migrated here for ease of use
A list of suggested updates to the character output sheet.
General Aims:
Improve the format through reorganisation and alternative display styles to reduce the overall page count of an OS (primarily by improving spell lists).
Ensure that the majority of the regularly used information (specifically combat related) appears on the first page (or first 2 pages at least), this involves moving some less used information to subsequent pages.
Allow 'equipment' changes to be made, and only require a re-print of the first few (ideally 1 or 2) pages - this may already be satisfied.
Move fields off P1 onto Bio page.
(most of the 'descriptive' fields are not referenced very often, so aren't need on the first page) Alignment (to help keep such information secret for those in disguise) JIRA Region - can also be a giveaway for disguised characters. Deity - move to keep secret, do clerics really need a reminder on P1? JIRA Height, Weight - though can be useful as they come into play for traps. JIRA (covers descriptive fields in general, as an option) Eyes, Hair - Any reason to duplicate these on P1 and Bio? Age, Gender, Race - Not sure of benefit in moving these over leaving as is. Points - Character generation points? Do they need outputting at all? Reduce header line to just 2 rows.
Remove duplicated fields
BAB - listed by itself, and then for each variation of Melee, Ranged, Grapple and CMD
Add fields to P1
Effective Level & Challenge Rating Templates applied (Rage is the biggie - Barbarians want two copies of P1 and need to differentiate) JIRA Spell effects applied (potential for very large list, perhaps limited display) Companions box - who's who in the party is often referred to (in my group) JIRA Party Companions box - is there any benefit to having just of list of PC's separately to Companions?
Update fields
AC split out for all the possible types of enhancements More weapons being displayed on P1 Skills broken out to show class, feat, equipment modifiers Shift Miss Chance, ASF, ACP, Spell Resistance down a row (freeing up space for AC details) Shift Speed, DR, Subdual down a row Move HP 'box' to far right, reduce size of box and use Margin for continued damage notes JIRA Move Subdual damage box to far right, as per HP Encumbrance to persist (even 'light' should still show, and show limit before reaching next bracket) Turning table - using that space for non-clerics, adding special attacks into that space (but what to do with multi-class that need both?) Equipment - ensure that changes to carried equipment only affects first two pages (avoid reprinting entire sheet) JIRA Prevent a large portrait from pushing the 'stats' section down. Force portrait on P1 to be a small picture (limited to header size)? Conditional Modifiers - move to one side, or bottom of page(?) to allow extended notes in margin? Feats ('disadvantages' on Drews sample sheet) - limit source name to prevent long feats/disadvantages from wrapping rather than forcing 70%/30% split. Footer - unbold the 'character:' and 'Player:' prefixes, leaving just the actual tokens bold. Simple weapon display - put 'total attack bonus' and 'damage' as prefixes to the actual value rather than a separate row
Display style
Bio/header information has a line between the data and the title, alter this to make it more intuitive (box the info together or put the title as a prefix to the token?) Use initial caps rather than all caps on headers
Page order
With double sided printing, pages 2 & 3 become more valuable open side by side in a binder, thus page 1 becomes essentially just a cover sheet. However, single sided printing seems more favourable currently.
Filing Assistance
To aid in finding a specific character, NPC or monster from a ring binder: Level/ECL/CR prominent on P1 -done Character Name, Player Name & Level on footer of every page JIRA-done Type & Subtype prominent on P1
Include files /templating
not a quick fix - simplify building new OS by providing building blocks for each individual section on the OS, to be arranged on the page by end users.