Index to Architecture Documents

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This is effectively a "shorthand" list of documents (and a tiny bit of context around the links) for "A Day in the Life of PCGen"


Before reading about the details of the PCGen architecture, it is likely helpful to understand our key Design Concepts for PCGen and Architecture Document Conventions


  1. The Startup System initializes PCGen and loads the initial user interface
  2. Files from Disk are loaded by the Rules Persistence System
  3. These files use CDOM References to resolve order of operations conflicts during load
  4. The files also can Refer to Groups in LST Data to identify multiple possible objects (for say, a choice)
  5. The Load Commit Subsystem is used to commit information into the Rules Data Store
  6. Post Processing is completed as described in the Full Load Order Detail

Using Data

  1. When retrieving items from the Rules Data Store, it's important to Identify the right Object

Processing a PC

  1. When an item is added to a PC, we begin Calculating Items on the PC
  2. This calculation heavily depends on the Formula Systems
  3. Some of the items on a PC can be conditional, so it's valuable to understand Prerequisites and Requirements