Meeting 2018 12 08
- Chair/Content - Andrew
- Code/Architecture - Tom
- PR - Paul
- Data 2nd - Gwen
- Volunteers/Lurkers
- Teladorer / Availay
- Lauri7x3
- BeastMaster62
- bigrin42
- Production Release planned for December 22st
- Final Production revision bt April for Ennie submission
- Next Production build by Sept 2019 preped for new UI in 7.x series
- Updated Prettylst being made, Codename: Tidylst
Raw Log
- LegacyKingToday at 9:00 AM
- Welcome everybody to the PCGen Board of Director's Meeting for December 8th, 2018
- 1) Go/No Go decision for 6.08
- 2) Roadmap for 6.10/7.0
- 3) Public Q&A
- I'll start off and recommend an RC3 for 6.08 We have an entire gamemode reported as not working and requires investigation.
- Tom - Is Code a go / no go for 6.08?
- thprToday at 9:03 AM
- Well, if there is a game mode that doesn't work, then we need an RC3 to diagnose that other than that, go
- LegacyKingToday at 9:05 AM
- Paul - Is PR a go / no go for 6.08?
- Nylanfs (UTC-5)Today at 9:05 AM
- I haven't seen any show stoppers other than the spell slots which you fixed.
- LegacyKingToday at 9:06 AM
- Okay, we'll investigate and port a few trivial fixes in for an RC3 and then follow up with 6.08 a week after.
- Item #2 - Our Roadmap
- Tom - What is code placing on the roadmap for our next production release for the 6.10 or 7.0 version?
- thprToday at 9:11 AM
- Main data facing item is continuing the new formula system work - some basics are there, but some more advanced things are required for it to replace the rest of the system. We can't do damage quite yet, for example
- Main internal thing is really splitting off UI from core. This should eventually allow those two to be much more independent as far as updates. Code-wise it will be a lot of work in the facades. So it's setup for changing out the UI.
- There is one other side effect from the UI/core split. The facets will go away, so there are some cases where we may have used new output in Freemarker, and that will change since the facets go away as part of UI/core split
- The same effects will still be possible, it will just require a slightly different token in Freemarker since it will officially be a variable, and not a facet behind the scenes
- LegacyKingToday at 9:15 AM
- To summarize then:
- 1) Continue Formula Replacement system
- 2) Prep for independent UI
- 3) Change some Freemarker Template Engine export methods
- thprToday at 9:15 AM
- y
- LegacyKingToday at 9:16 AM
- Awesome. And do we agree then, until the UI changes, we'll continue with the 6.x series of numbering then?
- Nylanfs (UTC-5)Today at 9:16 AM
- Yes
- Gwen T.Today at 9:17 AM
- Yes
- thprToday at 9:17 AM
- I think that's a good idea, yes
- LegacyKingToday at 9:18 AM
- Okay. For the content side, we'll be exploring options to separate the Documentation creation for easier export to both a Web-hosted solution as well as internal program for offline use.
- And support the efforts for both data conversion to use the new formula system as options become available, and the outputsheets
- TeladorerToday at 9:19 AM
- me looking into this
- LegacyKingToday at 9:20 AM
- Anything else any of our volunteers wish to commit to producing feature-wise for this release cycle?
- I believe Andrew Wilson has committed to an offshoot of PrettyLST called TidyLST for streamlined LST clean up and modularization. As a side project
- Lauri7x3Today at 9:21 AM
- maybe a more accessable (homebrew) item builder ?
- the way i do it now, if i need a quick item is that i just change some random item with the customization
- TeladorerToday at 9:22 AM
- i take a looks at tinylst too while working on documentation
- LegacyKingToday at 9:23 AM
- I forgot to ask, @thpr what is the realistic time frame for our release? Are we looking at a 6 month release schedule, 9 months, or 12 months to get these features in place?
- @Lauri7x3 this is more a request of commitments from the volunteers for the roadmap, are you volunteering to spearhead the effort?
- thprToday at 9:24 AM
- Both of mine are continuing efforts, rather than "project will be done", so it's more the other way around - pick a date and we'll get whatever is there stable.
- Lauri7x3Today at 9:24 AM
- oh sry i thought it was a go for everyone to add suggestions. i keep on lurking
- LegacyKingToday at 9:25 AM
- When we get to public Q&A you can make the request. :wink:
- 👍🏻
- 1
- @thpr I'd like to release 6.08.00 and barring a found blocker/major, cut it loose and be done with it since the content has diverged drastically in the short few weeks since the split. What do you think about a 9-12 month release cycle?
- Andrew Wilson (Nuance)Today at 9:27 AM
- Yes, I'm working on tidylst
- TeladorerToday at 9:27 AM
- i think new documentation format for both web and offline don't need to be tied to a release. web can come online when ready
- LegacyKingToday at 9:28 AM
- @Teladorer while true, it's a goal for that time frame, which is commitments to make it happen.
- thprToday at 9:28 AM
- I'd rather shoot closer to 9 than 12. Trying to finish out a release during US holidays is tricky
- LegacyKingToday at 9:29 AM
- Agreed about the holidays. Okay, so we're looking at August/September release for 2019
- thprToday at 9:29 AM
- and on 6.08, agree, minimal maintenance is good, but we will have bug fixes there I'm sure
- LegacyKingToday at 9:29 AM
- We did pretty good with 6.06 :smiley:
- Nylanfs (UTC-5)Today at 9:29 AM
- I'd like to have a good stable release to submit for the Ennies. :smiley:
- LegacyKingToday at 9:32 AM
- I'll plan on 6.08.00 for December 22nd. Gives us room for an RC4 in between. And then plan on 6.08.01 February 2019 for any content bugs *that arise and are deemed worthy of inclusion.
- Actually April 2019. I'll probably be swamped till end of March.
- So time frames:
- Nylanfs (UTC-5)Today at 9:34 AM
- Ennie is anything released before April 30th. :smiley:
- LegacyKingToday at 9:35 AM
- 6.08.00 December 22nd, 2018
- 6.08.01 April 2019
- 6.09 Betas July 2019
- 6.10 RCs September 2019
- 6.10.00 September/October 2019
- Okay, if that is agreeable to everyone then we'll move onto Item #3
- Open Public Q&A
- Anyone may present their comments, questions, or requests before the Board at this time.
- BeastMaster62Today at 9:38 AM
- Hi Folks!
- LegacyKingToday at 9:38 AM
- @Lauri7x3 can you elaborate on your earlier request please?
- @BeastMaster62 Hi.
- maybe a more accessable (homebrew) item builder ?
- the way i do it now, if i need a quick item is that i just change some random item with the customization
- @thpr wasn't an inbuilt customizer part of the rebuild?
- thprToday at 9:41 AM
- Eventually we need to get to one, but that's more redoing the data editor... we will need more developers if we are going to get to that in the next release.(edited)
- bigrin42Today at 9:41 AM
- Is there a reason we aren't looking at something like WPF as part of the UI separation? It is extremely versatile for disconnecting the *application alyer from teh data layer, and is nearly infinitely customizable based on data content
- thprToday at 9:41 AM
- I can't do everything
- LegacyKingToday at 9:42 AM
- @Lauri7x3 can you round up a Java Coder to help @thpr ?
- Tom will give guidance, but his plate is full for the release cycle. :smiley:
- thprToday at 9:43 AM
- @bigrin42 As far as things like WPF, we aren't in a position to choose technologies at this point. There is preparation work to even be able to meet the expectations of systems like that
- Nylanfs (UTC-5)Today at 9:44 AM
- @bigrin42 Also because you haven't brought it up in the UI build discussions. :smiley:
- bigrin42Today at 9:45 AM
- I'm afraid I will get sucked into yet more development :p
- LegacyKingToday at 9:45 AM
- @thpr are there any low lying fruit projects an aspiring Java coder could work on to assist the team's workload perhaps?
- thprToday at 9:46 AM
- are descriptions of things I think people could pick up without having to understand the nasty guts
- Working Projects
- LegacyKingToday at 9:47 AM
- Oh, speaking of Website - I'm going to need a hand if possible to port the wiki over.
- thprToday at 9:48 AM
- But to the point of @bigrin42 ... I hope to have enough items in channels over the next month or so to do a demo with a handful of items to start to assess underlying technologies and how hard things are in each.
- So height, weight, age, alignment, gender, handedness we will likely have channels and then can start to see how things would interact with a different UI model. All mock-up level/proof of concept and people's expectations should be clear it's experiment, not building a result, and no timeline to a result at this point
- Lauri7x3Today at 9:50 AM
- sorry i wasnt here @LegacyKing
- my initial suggestions was an itembuilder similar to the class builder tools. just a little neat tool for quick implementing items and descriptions.
- afaik its only possible to change existing items with the customazation "work around".
- and no. i cannot code. coding is a nono for me. i rather translate
- thprToday at 9:52 AM
- @Lauri7x3 We can take the discussion out of the board meeting, but I think it would be useful to be very specific on what you are looking for... a very clear scope is easier for folks to understand what needs to be done and not try to solve every possibility
- Lauri7x3Today at 9:53 AM
- alright
- thprToday at 9:54 AM
- Discussion to continue in general
- LegacyKingToday at 9:55 AM
- Anyone else have anything else to bring up?
- Alright looks like we're good. Thanks for coming everyone. Bangs Gavel Meeting adjourned.eeting is adjourned! BANGS GAVEL