Continuous Integration

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Revision as of 18:17, 15 February 2016 by LegacyKing (talk | contribs)
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PCGen Continuous Integration

Our Hudson powered Continuous Integration server can be found at

Each hour the CI server checks the source for changes and reruns the build if it notes any. Once stable we will be emailing any developers who have checked in changes if the build becomes unstable (fails or has unit test failures).


In general the site should be straight forward to use. If you have any questions please post to the websiteteam or pcgen developers lists and we can assist. Frequent questions will end up here also.

The Maven generated site can be found at

If you wish to be able to launch manual builds and configure the server, register on the server] using your SourceForge user name and then contact the Admin SB and they will arrange for you to have access.


We run Jenkins under Tomcat on our VPS. The Tomcat install is located at /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat (which is a link to the current tomcat install) but to restart the server you should use the /scripts/restartsrv_tomcat script. Note the script should be run as root but it will create a child process running as the tomcat user.

Some random hints for maintenance:

  • Options to be sent to Tomcat should be set in /var/cpanel/tomcat.options
  • Environment variables for use by Tomcat/Jenkins, such as the path should be set in /usr/sbin/starttomcat
  • Each time tomcat is upgraded, the hudson.war (historical naming) should be copied to the webapps folder of the new tomcat install.