Michael W. Fender

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Joined October 17, 2008

Additional Contact info:
GTalk: fluxxdog@gmail.com
MSN: fluxxdog@bellsouth.net
E-Mail: fluxxdog@gmail.com

Current projects:
2474790 - AEG - Feats Source Book - Reveiw & Clean up
1377456 - Temp bonus for Spells audit

Completed projects:
2175540 - Psionic Talent Feat grants +0 PP instead of +2
2181056 - [MSRD] SEP - Roles and Classes - Combat Hero - cleanup
2181063 - RPGObjects - Blood and Circuits - Data Clean Up
2181069 - RPGObjects - B&G - Inside Vossberg Supermax - clean up
2181071 - RPGObjects - Blood and Guts - Modern Military - Clean up
2181073 - RPGObjects - Blood and Guts - Soldiers - Clean up
2181076 - RPGObjects - Blood and Guts - War on Terror - Clean Up
2181082 - RPGO - Blood & Space - Merchants Pirates & Smuggler - Clean
2181094 - RPGO - Blood & Space - Starship Construction Manual - Clean
2181098 - Blood & Blades - The Profilers Guide to Slashers - Clean Up
2181100 - Dawning Star - Operation Quick Launch - Clean Up
2181105 - Modern Dispatch - #47 - New Tortuga - Clean Up
2181108 - Pulp Fantasy Roleplaying Game - Clean Up
2181111 - RPGObjects - Blood and Relics - Clean Up
2181119 - WotC - d20 Modern Weapons Locker - Clean Up
2185729 - Referencing an outside source causes confusion
2220150 - [RSRD] Certain languages missing "Read.Written" types
2182525 - ACHECK listed twice
2229773 - Incorrect JEP syntax in CASTERLEVEL BONUS

Projects I assisted with:
2158412 - Change "Turn Rebuke" from specific instances to general