PCGen 5.17.20 (Beta) Released!

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PCGen v5.17.20 (beta) Released!

PCGen v5.17.20 is our fourth beta in the lead-up to our 6.0 release. We've continued to squash bugs and improve the stability of PCGen. Thanks again for the great feedback and reports of issues!

A word about what a beta release is for the PCGen team. This is a build that has all of the new features that we plan shipping with v6.0. The beta cycle is where we focus on bug fixing and generally getting the program solid. An essential part of this is of course you trying it out and letting us know of any issues you find. Our trained monkeys are ready and waiting for your email to the PCGen mailing list!

Notable Changes Many updates to Ultimate COmbat and Ultimate Magic Full spell descriptions in RSRD and Pathfinder

New Sources [Pathfinder] Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Players Guide

PCGen is an RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII text files so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns.

For more information about PCGen, join us at our Yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen/

or visit our website: http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/01_overview.php

or our wiki: http://wiki.pcgen.org/

Download your free copy: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PCGen%20Unstable/5.17.20%20Beta/

You can see all of the changes included in this release by checking out the release notes: http://pcgen.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pcgen/Trunk/pcgen/installers/release-notes/pcgen-release-notes-51720.html

Trackers (JIRA) bugs open for the New UI: http://jira.pcgen.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=10310