Parsecasterlvl script

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ParseCasterLevel is a utility that you can use on PCGen spell LST files (or any file with spell descriptions). It converts text of the type "n/level" to use "CASTERLEVEL*n".

After running this utility, you should review the changes since sometimes the text is converted incorrectly (like if a unit of value was left out). Also look for TODO comments which are added when a change is identified, but it is not clear how to properly parse the text.

To use this script, you need to have perl installed (I've only tested with perl "v5.8.0 built for cygwin-multi-64int" so no guarantees how it works with other builds). From the command-line, you would use the script like so

  "perl <raw_spells.lst >spells.lst

where "raw_spells.lst" is the original spell data set and "spells.lst" is the converted data set.

Please send feedback and bug reports to If you are reporting a bug, please include the line (or lines) of text from the input file so that I can duplicate the problem.

If you update the, please send me a copy. You can use test.bat to validate your changes haven't had side effects. It will run on test_in.dat and create test_out.dat. You can then diff test_out.dat with test_out_baseline.dat. The two should be the same except for any intentional changes you made.