Tracker Priorities

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This page is no longer relevant as we have moved to the new JIRA Issue Tracking System


FREQ Tracker Priorities

Priority Description
9 Critical for current release (Gates the release)
8 Major goal of release - no alternative (Gates the release)
7 Major goal of release - workaround available
6 Priority item (e.g. data requirement)
5 New Code FREQ. This FREQ is under review or is waiting for assignment.
4 Standard priority FREQ: Triaged, but not 1-3 or 6+
3 Unarchitected, but has data dependency
2 Unarchitected or gated by development spec
1 Not in the scope of PCGen at this time


Data Bug and Feature Request Tracker Priorities

Priority Description
9 Critical for current release (Gates the release)
8 Major goal of release - no alternative (Gates the release)
7 Needs to be fixed for the next release
6 Request for which no code work is required but is not required for the next release.
5 Default - needs triage
4 Request for which there is pending code work (trackered but not yet completed)
3 Request which need code specs developed (not yet paired with a code tracker)
2 Request which require major and/or inlikely code work in order to be developed (Gestalt)
1 Not in the scope of PCGen at this time

New Data Source Development

Priority Description
9 Reserved
8 Reserved
7 Ready for review process, slated for next production release.
6 Ready for review process.
5 New tracker, not yet evaluated.
4 On hold due to problems with some aspect of the process.
3 Not ready for review, incomplete or in progress.
2 Reserved
1 Reserved

Development Spec Tracker Priorities

Priority Description
5 New Dev Spec. This Dev Dpec is under review or is waiting for assignment.

Use of the Dev Spec Trackers

  • When a Code FREQ tracker is created, its priority will be set to 5, as the default, and will be placed in the 'Unscheduled' category unless otherwise directed by the Code SB or 2nd.
  • As the Code Team evaluates the Code FREQs, the priority for the trackers for those FREQs that require token definition will be set to 2.
  • When a Priority 2 FREQ is moved from 'Unscheduled' to a specific release, a Dev Spec tracker needs to be created.
  • The Dev Spec should point to a specification to be hosted on the PCGen Wiki.
    • If a specification already exists and is pointed to by the code FREQ, then that page should be used.
  • The Code FREQ and Dev Spec trackers should cross-reference each other.
  • The code FREQ tracker should also have the target priority for release placed into the comments.
  • The priority of the FREQ should not be set to a value above 2 until the Dev Spec is closed by the data team.
  • When the Dev Spec tracker is closed, the Code FREQ should be raised to the target priority shown in the comments


Bug and FREQ Tracker Priorities

Priority Description
9 Doc FREQ/Bug is critical for the next release.
8 Doc FREQ/Bug is critical for the next stable release.
7 Doc FREQ/Bug is highly desirable for the next stable release.
6 Documentation FREQ/Bug has been assigned and is being worked.
5 New Documentation Feature Request. This Doc FREQ is under review or is waiting for assignment.
4 Doc FREQ/Bug requires additional definition.
3 Doc FREQ/Bug waiting for code work. Reference code tracker.
2 Reserved
1 Reserved